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DIY Fall Scented Soy Candles

Can we address the elephant in the room? October is 2 days away - 2!


  • 1 lb. Soy wax
  • 6 Candle wicks
  • 6 4 ounce Ball jars
  • 1 Candy thermometer
  • 2 ounces Your favorite fall candle scent


  • Using a hot glue gun, add a dab of glue to the metal portion of your candle wick, and glue to the bottom of your ball jars. Make sure they're centered.  Place a clothespin on the wicks to keep the wicks upright. If they're leaning against the lip of your jar that's fine, just make sure the wick is upright and centered. Set aside while you melt the soy wax.
  • Place a medium pot or saucepan half filled with water on your stove. Place a stainless steel bowl on top of the pot. Turn the heat to medium/low and bring the water to a simmer. Add the soy wax to the bowl and melt the wax, stirring semi constantly. You don't have to stir the entire time; however, don't walk away from it. Rumor is soy wax catches fire.
  • Once your wax has melted, add the candy thermometer to the candle wax and continue heating the wax until the thermometer registers anywhere from 175-180° Fahrenheit. Turn off the heat and remove the bowl from the pot of simmering water. Do not remove the thermometer. Allow the wax to cool until the thermometer reaches about 130° Fahrenheit.
  • Add your fragrance and stir well to combine. Pour the wax in a measuring cup with a lip. Note: If you plan on making candles often, designate a measuring cup for this. Pour the wax into the prepared ball jars, leaving about 1/4 inch or so of space. Allow the wax to cool completely. Once cooled, cut the wicks to desired height. Cover with jar lids, if desired.
  • Or you can fire up that jammy right away. Whatever floats your boat.