Have you ever heard of Musselman’s apple butter? I’m going to be real with you. Up until this past summer I hadn’t. I was introduced to Musselman’s apple butter at the Big Summer Potluck. Oh, the memories… The fun times… The rain…
Musselman’s was a large sponsor of the potluck, and the amazing Pam Anderson underwent the task of developing recipes using their apple products for the event.
And that is when I decided I wanted Musselman’s in my life. Per usual, I searched high and low, yet nary a jar would make its acquaintance. The thing is, I live in the hood. And in said hood there is apparently no such thing as apple butter or Musselman’s anything. You’d have to go to the more upscale hoods in NYC for that.
And sometimes I get lazy. That’s real.
Fortunately Musselman’s approached me and asked if I wanted to sample a jar of their apple butter. Did they have to ask me twice? NO.
Along with a jar of their deliciousness (in a jar) I was given some recipe cards to try and a nifty hand crafted tool. A tool which, and I know I’m not supposed to, I used to smack my husband a little bit. What? You don’t smack your husband’s hand away for touching your goodies?
Wait. that came out wrong…
Let’s talk about this apple butter monkey bread. It’s… OH, mama…
I made the dough from scratch since I forgot to buy biscuit dough, which I got from the Brown Eyed Baker. Otherwise, this is a Musselman’s recipe all the way.
I wish I could describe it to you, but instead I’ll just shove this jammy in your face.
You’ve seen the dough deal…
And now there’s a caramel/apple butter situation.
Followed by a pouring debacle over balls of dough covered in cinnamon sugar.
Then the oven does its “thang” and out comes the gooeyest (is that a word), mama jamma you have ever seen or tasted. Look! No, look!
Would you like to get closer?
Wait, wait – One more…
Would you like some of this? Have I enticed you enough? Are you ready to run out of here and buy enough Musselman’s apple butter to last you though your golden years?
I don’t blame you.
So let me get you started!
Musselman’s was gracious enough to offer one of my lucky readers their very own jar of apple butter, some awesome recipes to try, and their own nifty hand crafted tool! This tool has many uses, one of which I’ve already told you about. But you can use it for kitchen related stuff.
Are you excited? You ought to be!
Hop on over to Musselman’s for more of their delicious apple recipes.
Oh, one more thing before I toss you over to the random raffle gods. In case you’re wondering, Musselman’s apple butter is non-dairy and can be found in the jam/jelly aisle of your local supermarket. Unless you live in the hood, and then there is more reason to win this giveaway!
OR! If you’re my total opposite (meaning, not lazy), use their store locator to find a store near you that sells Musselman’s products. Here’s a coupon.
Good luck, ya’ll!!
Disclosure mumbo jumbo: Musselman’s provided me with a sample jar of apple butter, recipe cards, and their hand crafted tool. All opinions are my own.