
Mojito Marshmallows

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Mojito Marshmallows {}

Permit me a moment of unadulterated arrogance…

I am… The Boozy Marshmallow Queen. A queen who has usurped all these marshmallow makers and took their crowns by force.

Step aside.

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Boozy marshmallows are my domain. This is MY.KINGDOM.

Mmmhmm – That’s right. Eff modesty. I’m a revolutionary.


Fly kicking flavors doors, showing you new things.

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Peep this.

You’re familiar with mojitos right? Of course you are. I made one the other day. Now what if I told you I took all the flavors of a classic mojito – Limes, mint, and rum – And turned them into a squishy pillow of marshmallow goodness?

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Nah, bruh – I am the Boozy Marshmallow Queen.

Your mind, it is blown.

Making marshmallows is simple. BUT before you skip to the recipe, there are do’s and don’t you’ll need to follow.

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  • DO follow the ratios in the recipe. We went through the whole trial and error situation so you won’t have to.
  • DO Use a candy thermometer. You may think you can eyeball 240 degrees Fahrenheit, followed by a drop in temperature to 210 degrees Fahrenheit – But the truth is you can’t. No one can. For the love of all that’s holy – buy a candy thermometer. They’re like $8. 
  • DO use unflavored gelatin. It comes in packets. I like the Knox brand.
  • DO NOT use lime Jell-o. 
  • DO NOT substitute gelatin for agar-agar or any other vegetarian/vegan substitute. Not that there’s anything wrong with vegetarian/vegan substitutes – They just won’t work here. You may end up with a gummy mess.
  • DO substitute corn syrup for any mild flavored invert sugar situation.
  • DO NOT substitute sugar for Splenda or Equal or any other sugar substitute. I’m not not versed on the chemical reaction of combining sugar substitutes with heat and booze. 
  • DO use booze. It’s the whole reason why we’re making these marshmallows.
  • Do substitute the booze in this recipe. If dark rum ain’t your steeze – Go the light rum route. Or spiced rum.
  • DO NOT put your hands inside the boozy sugar syrup no matter how pretty it looks. That shit WILL BURN YOU.
  • DO allow the marshmallows to set. Stop being so impatient. Your patience will be rewarded.

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Really… If you follow these simple dos and don’ts these tasty marshmallows will be gracing your lip situations in no time.

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Do they taste like a mojito? Why, yes – Yes they do. In candy form. You’re hit with the bracing essence and taste of lime, followed closely by rum.

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Finally – There’s the hint of cool mint. You must savor these. Relish in the moment. And if you permit another second of pure arrogance – These marshmallows are truly what makes me Queen.

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Classic Mojito Marshmallows ---



For the marshmallow coating

  • 3/4 cup Confectioners powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup Cornstarch

For the bloom

  • 3/4 ounces three ¼ oz packets Unflavored gelatin
  • 1 ounce Lime juice
  • 3 ounces Water
  • zest of 1 lime

For the boozy sugar syrup

  • 5.5 ounces Light corn syrup
  • 14 ounces Granulated sugar
  • 3 ounces Dark rum
  • 1 ounce Water
  • 25 Mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon Vanilla beam paste
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt


  • Prepare the coating:
  • In a medium bowl combine the powdered sugar and cornstarch. Cover and set aside.
  • Prepare the pan:
  • Spray an 8”x8” square pan with PAM spray and sift the marshmallow coating to bottom of the pan. You are looking for an even coat. Set the pan aside.
  • Prepare the bloom:
  • To the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, combine the gelatin, lime juice, water, and lime zest. Stir with a fork lightly to combine and prevent the gelatin from clumping to the bottom of the bowl. Leave in the mixer while you prepare the sugar syrup.
  • Prepare the sugar syrup:
  • In a medium stainless steel pot combine the light corn syrup, granulated sugar, dark rum, water, mint leaves, vanilla bean paste, and salt. Bring to a boil over medium high heat. Cover the pan with a lid and continuing boiling, covered, for 5 minutes. Covering the pan allows steam to form which melts any sugar which may have crystalized. After five minutes, insert a candy thermometer and bring up the temperature of the syrup to 240° Fahrenheit.
  • Marshmallow makin’:
  • Once the syrup has reached 240° Fahrenheit, remove pan from heat and allow the temperature of the syrup to reduce to 210° Fahrenheit. This can take anywhere from 7-10 minutes. You can help it along by partially submerging the pan in a bowl of ice water and stirring the syrup.
  • Once the syrup has reached 210° Fahrenheit, fish out the mint leaves with a fork. Discard the mint leaves. Carefully pour the syrup (be careful – It’s STILL HOT!) into the mixing bowl with the bloomed gelatin. Start your mixer, on low at first as you add the syrup, and then increase the speed to high. Allow the mixture to double in volume.
  • Turn off the mixer and using a silicone spatula very lightly sprayed with PAM, pour the mixture into the prepared pan. Smack the pan a few times against your counter to remove air bubbles and sift some of your prepared coating over the top of the marshmallow mixture.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate or leaave at room temperature to set for at least 4 hours.
  • To cut marshmallows:
  • Remove marshmallow pan from the fridge. Liberally sift your work surface with the marshmallow coating. I mean, be liberal with it. Don’t skimp on it. Remove the plastic wrap from the pan.
  • Use a knife (or your fingers) to loosen the marshmallow from the pan and pull it out. Place onto the powdered surface and then flip the marshmallow square to coat the other side.
  • Using a large chef’s knife (or the largest knife in your kitchen), cut 8, 1” vertical strips. Periodically clean your knife because marshmallows stick! Now with your knife make 1” increment cuts horizontally. You should now have a crap load of marshmallows squares - Or rectangles if you have linear issues.
  • As you cut the marshmallows, toss them into the marshmallow coating to prevent sticking. Store them in an airtight container or a large ziplock back. They last forever…Really – Weeks and weeks.

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