My Moonbug turned 3, so I baked her a cake. I bake for my kids every single year; ever since I took a cake decorating class back in “o6″. My love of baking began with cake decorating. I own more cake decorating tools than I know what to do with. I kinda sorta obsess. A little bit… I dunno…
Unfortunately, cake decorating makes me mean; like Incredible Hulk/”Insert evil movie bitch here” mean. It’s not very pretty. I suppose I get mean because I can’t always translate what’s in my head into cake, and as the hours tick by and I haven’t slept or eaten, I turn into a bee-hotch. I can’t draw, or paint. I’m not really artistic. The truth? That cake took well over 6 hours to put together. And it’s crooked. I’m a better baker than I am a decorator. All that torting and filling and straight lines, and fondant just so … My family can only roll with me 3, 4 times a year. They don’t care for me when I’m on that “Hulk Smash” mode.
Tis’ is life.
Do you see this little girl right here…? She looks excited doesn’t she?
That’s my Moonbug. The second of my two pride and joys. A princess/diva, she will tell you what’s on her mind even if she can’t properly articulate it. She is overly friendly; known to stand and wait for her return “hello, how are you?” with a smile so contagious, even hardened individuals have been known to return it. She is assertive and fearless, loving and kind, exasperating, confusing, and unpredictable; a true girl…
She didn’t care that her cake was crooked. Not in the least… She was excited that it was cake, it was hers, and she was gonna blow out candles and wish for a ladybug…
And that… That made it all worthwhile. The long hours, the lack of sleep, the aching back and neck… The long hours baking… All worth it for the look on her cute-as-hell face and the repeatedly asked question; “Mommy, is that MY birthday cake?” It never gets old…
Happy Birthday Moonbug… Hot damn – You truly make me love being your mama, and make every moment near you worth living.
I’m off to get that ladybug she wished for… Just hope it isn’t life size…