Sometimes I imagine myself in a room so large and so empty there’s an echo.
Do you ever imagine that? In a room so large your voice carries out?
Anyone there…ere..ere…?
I suppose that is how chocolate must feel in the summer months. In a room so large, so empty and lonely, with nothing but its dark echo to keep it company…ny…ny…
Oh, we all do it; thinking instead of angel food cakes, strawberry pies, blueberry ice creams and citrus-aids. No one gives a passing thought to the dark richness of chocolate – And why should we when there’s all this fruit in abundance? Chocolate gets cast aside like… Like… I don’t know… Like an orphan no one really wanted, but are forced to take care of; to attempt to nurture as one’s own… Except we don’t… We just can’t find it in fruit-filled hearts.
When I discovered this dark beauty in the Smitten Kitchen endorphin releasing lusty thoughts were totally in effect…ect… ect…
I began to think see chocolate in a whole new light… ight… ight…
It needed saving… Savoring… Love… Nurture…Butter…Eggs…Flour…
This chocolate cake is so dark, so rich, so chocolaty, one slice and one glass of milk is all you need. You tell me – How can you cast this baby aside? How can you resist?
See, it’s not all about summer fruits, summer desserts. Today just don’t give a hot damn about luscious in season fruits. You are to cast them aside and instead save chocolate from its dark and lonely echo filled room. Whisper sweet nothings in its ear; things like come to mama, baby… I got you…oo…ooo…ooo
P.S. – Thanks to Junia @ Mis Pensamientos for inviting me to share this cake during her August #cakelove event! Peep these cakes – They are awesome!