So… Has it been hot enough out there for you? Did you feel Mother Nature’s dragon breath singeing your leg stubble? You had leg stubble, don’t lie to me. You were totally in a hurry during the heat wave one morning and forgot to shave your legs. Why else were you sporting a maxi dress in that oppressive heat? I’m sure you spent the day regretting your choice of wardrobe, cause it was hell-a hot out there.
So you were hot and you were grumpy – Like a bear that got one of its paws caught in one of those inhuman snappy metal trap things.
But wait – I can help! Got just the thing and it started with a jingle…
For three days straight I couldn’t stop singing the Klondike bar jingle. “What would you do-woo-oo…?” Over and over in my head it played; it got so I was annoying people with the question; “What would you do-woo-oo for a…?” I even sang it to people. They kinda run from me now…
Now if something were to attach itself to my brain with such fervor, wouldn’t it be worth exploring a little? I mean, aren’t Klondike bars vanilla ice-cream dipped in chocolate? That melty kind of chocolate you sometimes dream of being dipped into… Whoa, wait -Is that just me? It can’t be…. Who wouldn’t want that?
So I made you Klondike bars…To cool you off…To do a lil’ somethin’ somethin’ nice for you. To give you something to dream about when you dip a hunk of vanilla ice cream into a pool of melted chocolate.
And to stop the song from playing in my head over and over again.
Oh, mama… Look at this..
No need to thank me. In the name of all things holy freezy cold; this just had to happen…