So I was watching an episode of The Walking Dead the other day and again I couldn’t help but wonder, how will I fare in the event of a zombie apocalypse?
I don’t normally watch The Walking Dead. Nothing against it, really – I just need to watch a show from its premiere before I dig into the current season – And since my Netflix queue is full of shows I’m waiting to watch, The Walking Dead has taken a back seat.
Mr. M.O.B., though – He watches this show and thinks its like the best thing on TV.
The show’s premise is something-something The Zombie Apocalypse. A group of people clearly suffering from post-traumatic shock are forced to shoot or samurai sword zombie brains.
Did I get that right?
Oh, you get the gist.
Zombies are eating people, and I am watching Family Guy while The Walking Dead fills up space on my DVR. OK, so yesterday my DVR did this thing where it wouldn’t allow me to change the channel, so I had no choice but to sit there through an hour of The Walking Dead. That hour couldn’t come fast enough. Did you know there are little boys “busting caps” on zombies?
Then it hit me – My one and only defense tactic is the windmill. I can’t fight, I don’t know how to shoot a gun or wield a samurai sword. I am not a badass. I am a flipping scaredy cat. I’m the type that makes my kids check out a noise if Mr. M.O.B. is not home.
Yea, I said it.
So one of two things will happen in the event of a zombie apocalypse:
1. I will be so damn tired of running and living in fear I will just give up and allow the zombies to eat my brains.
2. I will be so damn tired of running and living in fear that I will beg to become one of them.
I’m hoping for #2 because I am at least guaranteed a meal, and who knows – Maybe someone will stop running and shooting long enough to find a cure and I could become human again.
While I figure how to carve some time in my day to get from couch, or my case, floor-to-5k…
Let’s talk about these cookies.
This is my favorite oatmeal raisin cookie recipe, tweaked like a mofo from the Betty Crocker Cooky book. It’s a soft oatmeal raisin cookie, baked slowly until golden brown at a nice 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
The best part about these cookies is boiling the raisins in water until they plump, then using the raisin liquid in the cookie batter. These cookies are great on their own; but since I can’t leave well enough alone, I added a simple filling of cream cheese, confectioners sugar and vanilla bean paste.
Yes, I turned regular old oatmeal raisin cookies into crazy delicious sandwich cookies. Can you really blame me? I mean, if you’re running like a mofo for your life and you want to hold on to hope of surviving the zombie apocalypse, these cookies ought to do it.
I do what I can to keep your sanity intact, folks…