Every day I’m publishing…
Did you know?
I am a Yummly publisher!
Oh snap!
Have you heard of Yummly?
Flow with me… Let me school you on this cool-as-hell Yummly situation.
I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but at the bottom of every one of my posts I have share buttons. Yes! That is so you can share my posts on social media.
And NOW I have a Yum button!
Here’s what you do. You go to Yummly and create a profile. Then you scour food spaces for recipes. Find something you like? OK – YUM that ish! This will send recipes to your own personal recipe box. That way, on weekends, you can tackle them.
I’ve seen you eyeing THIS Strawberry Tres Leche Cake. Now you can YUM it.
Once your recipes are in one place, you can come back to them. Whenever you want.As often as you’d like.
Yummly has this great feature where you can “Create a Collection” and organize your recipe box! My recipe box is a hot mess. I urge you – Do not be like me. Yum your eggs in breakfast where they belong.
I want to make it easy for you to YUM. Guess what, homies? I have MY own publisher page! Yup… My recipes are in one place. I encourage you to YUM till you can’t YUM no mo’. You can find that situation here!
Now that you’re in the know about Yummly… Are you digging it?
You’re digging it… I can tell.
What will you be yumming?
These Caramel Peanut Shortbread Bars for starters.
Or these Mojito Marshmallows – I mean booze in Marshmallows?! Yeah… I went there.
How about these Dulce de Leche Filled Brownie Cookies? That ish is serious right there.
Are you into booze? I got you, boo. This Citrus Paloma is no.joke.
So what are you waiting for? Get your YUM ON!