
DIY Fall Scented Soy Candles

DIY Fall Scented Soy Candles {}

DIY Fall Scented Soy Candles {}

Can we address the elephant in the room? October is 2 days away – 2!

To be real, real – I’m about the October life. Its pumpkin, apple cinnamon, and fall flavor errthang season. And I know some of you parents hate to admit it – But it’s the season where you steal the best of your kids’ Halloween candy.

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We use the “It’s bad for your teeth” excuse. The real deal is – We just want to freely open Snickers bar after Snickers bar; usually hidden in our basements, our cheeks bulging with nougat and peanuts covered in a thin layer of chocolate.

Candy sneaks – Holla! Let’s talk about fall candle scents.

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We’re doing it up – Stocking up our shopping carts, whether real time or online with our favorite fall inspired Yankee candle scent.

What if I told you – You don’t NEED to spend all your dollars on candles? Would you believe me if I told you – You can make your own scented candles?

Dude – I’m serious – Flow with me. It’s gonna get scented all up in this piece.

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I have a “Crazy shit I need to do before I get old, arthritic, and roll in a motorized scooter” list. Aside from learning how to Moonwalk, making my own candles “In case of Armageddon” was on my list.

I’m still working that Moonwalk. I can make the hell out of soy candles, though.

You can too. I’m dead serious. You can. Don’t be scurred. Do not feel intimidated. Intimidation is a damn dream killer – Don’t let that demon in.

Let’s make soy candles.

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It’s crazy simple. If you can melt wax – And I’m sure you can – You can make your own candles.

What do you need to make this jammy?

Glad you asked homie. I got you.

You need:

Soy wax. I got a 5lb bag on Amazon.

A double broiler. Hack that – I don’t know one person who owns a double broiler. 1 pot of simmering water, plus a bowl to place on top of the pot is all you need.

  • Glass jars. I used 4oz ball jars from Amazon. You can use any small glass jar. I have to repeat this – ANY GLASS JAR WILL DO.
  • Wicks – Again. Amazon
  • Glue gun. Glue guns are cheap. Make the investment
  • Clothes pins. You can buy those at your local .99 cent store. If you’re one of those people who have a clothesline (My mom has one in her apartment, so I don’t judge), grab 6 clothespins from your stash.
  • A candy thermometer. You will heat the wax and cool it. There’s a temperature situation involved.
  • Your favorite fall fragrance. Candle Science has a slew of fragrances. Get on that.
  • A happy disposition and a steady hand.


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Let’s get started. Glue the metal portion of the candle wicks to the bottom of the glass jar. Make sure that jammy is centered, as no one likes crooked wicks. Place a clothespin where the wick meets the mouth of your jar. It will keep it in place.

Melt your candle wax. Now you’re going to need to stir it. Don’t leave it alone and go fold laundry. You don’t have to stir the entire time, just enough to help it along.

Once your wax is melted, (which can take anywhere from 5-10 minutes) insert your candy thermometer into the bowl with the melted wax. You need to bring up the wax’s temperature anywhere from 175-180° Fahrenheit.

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When degree situation is reached, turn off the heat and remove the bowl from your hacked double broiler situation.

Now allow the wax temperature to come down anywhere from 125-130° Fahrenheit. This is important.* When the temperature comes down, add your fragrance and stir well. The rule is 2 ounces of fragrance per 1 lb of soy wax. Follow that rule and you’ll be alright.

Pour the melted soy wax into the jars and allow to cool and harden completely. Once the wax has cooled, cut the wicks to desired height.

Simple, right?

Took me longer to write, homeslice.

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You can burn that scented situation right away. Bask in the scent of fall. Pat yourself on the back. You did good.

Start thinking about the holidays and why it’s a good idea to put a lid on these candles. Come holiday time put a bow on ’em and give them away as gifts.  Be thoughtful. Be full of holiday cheer. Start early.

Then stop by my space and tell me how much you loved making candles.

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DIY Fall Scented Soy Candles

Can we address the elephant in the room? October is 2 days away - 2!


  • 1 lb. Soy wax
  • 6 Candle wicks
  • 6 4 ounce Ball jars
  • 1 Candy thermometer
  • 2 ounces Your favorite fall candle scent


  • Using a hot glue gun, add a dab of glue to the metal portion of your candle wick, and glue to the bottom of your ball jars. Make sure they're centered.  Place a clothespin on the wicks to keep the wicks upright. If they're leaning against the lip of your jar that's fine, just make sure the wick is upright and centered. Set aside while you melt the soy wax.
  • Place a medium pot or saucepan half filled with water on your stove. Place a stainless steel bowl on top of the pot. Turn the heat to medium/low and bring the water to a simmer. Add the soy wax to the bowl and melt the wax, stirring semi constantly. You don't have to stir the entire time; however, don't walk away from it. Rumor is soy wax catches fire.
  • Once your wax has melted, add the candy thermometer to the candle wax and continue heating the wax until the thermometer registers anywhere from 175-180° Fahrenheit. Turn off the heat and remove the bowl from the pot of simmering water. Do not remove the thermometer. Allow the wax to cool until the thermometer reaches about 130° Fahrenheit.
  • Add your fragrance and stir well to combine. Pour the wax in a measuring cup with a lip. Note: If you plan on making candles often, designate a measuring cup for this. Pour the wax into the prepared ball jars, leaving about 1/4 inch or so of space. Allow the wax to cool completely. Once cooled, cut the wicks to desired height. Cover with jar lids, if desired.
  • Or you can fire up that jammy right away. Whatever floats your boat.

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