A flaky, buttery pie dough is piled high with a pillow soft pumpkin cream cheese filling. These pies may be mini, but they are super packed with pumpkin spice flavor!
Last Saturday I was ready to attend a party.
A party with pies. A room Fulla pies. And people. And fun. And did I mention pies? There was pie.
And I missed it.
You see, what had happened was…
I made my super special ever-popular buttery pie dough.
I made fillings. I was going to make 96 itty bitty pies in two different flavors and pile them high, high with these fillings.
I had my outfit ready. I was wearing leggings with plenty of stretch. I was going to PacMan my way through several tables of pie. Real talk.
I was ready.
And I didn’t make it.
I was sick. The kind of sick you try to convince yourself (and errbody else) you’re not sick. But you’re sick. When you fall asleep in the middle of a conversation with guests in the house, you’re sick.
I had plans to attend one of the best food events this city has to offer, hosted by a duo as effervescent as a 2-liter bottle of Pepsi. My body on the other hand, was on some eff your feelings bullshit and would not cooperate.
I slept through Pie Party Live.
Yeah, man. Straight slept through the pie photos, the pie eating, the pie conversations, and hugging all the people you speak to almost every day – Yet only see once or twice a year.
I was bummed as hell.
And when I was up to it, in sad face, I ate a lot of mini pies.
These Mini Pumpkin Cheesecake pies are itty bitty. They are, at most, a two bite situation. It’s mostly one bite. It’s definitely one bite. Don’t let its diminutive size fool you – This one bite situation is a buttery flaky explosion of fall flavor.
The light-as-air pumpkin cheesecake filling with an array of fall spice is amazing. You’re going to put it in everything. I have. And will continue to. At least till pumpkin season is over and I move onto the next thing. Topped high in mini pie shells is the best way to enjoy this filling. For serious.
These will make it to the next Pie Party Live. I can’t just keep these to myself. Sick or not I will be there with a tray and a smile.
Want the recipe? Of course you do. It’s pie in mini-mini. Who wouldn’t want these pies?
Hop on over to Tastes of Lizzy T’s where I contribute monthly for the recipe!