Summer is around the corner, people! Even if you’re a year away from that ‘summer body’ it’s never too early to start living right! Start living right with this Strawberry, Banana, Almond Flax Seed Smoothie Bowl!
Picture a Tempurpedic pillow. One of those large rectangular types.
Is the image clear in your heads?
OK, cool.
Now picture inviting a few friends over to hang out, maybe five friends. Some food, wine, laughs. Some Citizens of Humanity. You know, a little fun, fun with your girls.
You break out the Tempurpedic pillow and invite them to poke their fingers in said pillow.
Stand back.
Admire the handiwork you’ve created as a team.
Ten hands, one hundred finger pokes frozen temporarily on the surface of this Tempurpedic pillow.
Is that image clear in your heads?
Ladies and gentleman, I have just given you a visual of my thigh situation. That is what my thighs look like.
In real life.
In fact, that is what my thighs have looked like for well over 2 years. I own a full length mirror. I do. I choose to view myself from the waist up.
But then one day, almost two years ago, I attended a food conference and my room was equipped with full length mirror. It was through this mirror that I caught a glimpse of those Tempurpedic pillow thighs. And I was horrified. HORRIFIED!! I was no, no, no – Something has to be done – This isn’t right!!!
I wanted to change my health situation. I did. I took a picture of these horrific Tempurpedic pillow thighs – Front AND back! I stared at it, allowing this image of my disgusting thighs to sear itself into my brain.
Yah… Well… Once I threw on a pair of jeans, and those photos were eclipsed by photos of food and life, I lost all motivation. Clearly I have a short attention span.
And two years went by. Last year I felt motivated to change. I had a team of people who were on the same boat – They had Tempurpedic pillow areas of their own. We laughed a lot, we worked out hard. I was starting to tighten up, lose some weight. I was stronger. Then by August my team of awesome folk disbanded and I lost my drive.
I gained 14 pounds, more than I lost.
My t-shirts told me so. My jeans screamed – Bitch, stop – You are out of control!
And my leggings? Let’s not even talk about it.
Did I listen? Nah. I’d wake up in the mornings with the intention of exercising and would roll over and go back to sleep for another hour.
I know I need to exercise. I’m approaching 40 (holy shit!!!!!!).
Yet when I think of exercise, I want to spray that shit with holy water and yell incantations in a foreign tongue. I hate it!
Exercise is evil, yet effective, and I hate it so, so much. I love cookies, and cake, and sugar. Like really, really love these things. It’s the endorphin release. The trick of the brain. The guilt that follows when I see my thighs is not so hot.
Neither is the chest tightening, out of breath situation that’s happening these days when I walk up a flight of stairs.
I can see my new body in my mind’s eye. It’s strong and muscular. It’s healthy as fuck. And I want to chase that like a vial of 80’s crack/cocaine and pixie sticks. But the road is so hard, yo. And I’m so lazy about this health shit.
I want to take baby steps towards this health and fitness deal; perhaps hire a team to slap me upside the head when I’m deep into my fifth cookie. Treat me like an errant toddler – “NO, NO! Put that down!”
Now flow with me – Let’s talk about this Strawberry, Banana, and Almond Flax Seed Smoothie Bowl. Smoothie bowls are quick to put together. If you have a blender, you can make this bowl happen in five minutes or less. Smoothie bowls are just like smoothies, except you eat them with a spoon. Fun, right?
What makes a good smoothie bowl? Frozen fruit. Ripe fruit. Pick fruit that freezes well – Like berries, mangoes, pineapples. Add a frozen ripe banana for body and natural sweetness. Blend it with milk or Greek yogurt. Top that situation with sliced fruit, nuts, berries – Whatever your lil’ heart desires.
I like my smoothie bowls on the hearty and sweet side. It helps curb my cravings for cake. This smoothie bowl is blended with bananas, strawberries, almonds, and almond milk.
I poured that situation in a bowl and topped it with sliced strawberries, bananas, and more almonds. I added about a tablespoon of flax seeds to it. Flax seeds expand in your belly and make you feel full. Plus flax seeds have an overabundance of health benefits. They keep you regular (which is KEY!), and give your skin this nice healthy glow.
I try to have a smoothie bowl several mornings a week and it almost feels like I’m eating slightly melted sherbet. Do I still crave cookies? Yes, but that’s not the smoothie bowl’s fault.
I’m just built that way.
Seriously you guys.
Smoothie bowls.
It’s the new thing.
The way to go.
The building block to tighter thighs.
Be all up on it.
Let’s try to live right.
Strawberry, Banana, Almond Flax Seed Smoothie Bowl
Smoothie bowls
- 2 large Frozen ripe banana sliced
- 1 cup hulled and sliced Frozen strawberries
- Scant 1/2 cup Sliced almonds
- 1 1/2 cup Almond milk
- Sliced strawberries
- Sliced bananas
- scant 1/2 cup Sliced almonds
- 2 tablespoons Flax seeds
- Place frozen banana, strawberries, sliced almonds, and almond milk in a high powered blender. Blend on high until combined. Divide between two bowls and add toppings. Serve cold, serve immediately.